Chiron: How to Turn Your Deepest Wound into Your Greatest Gift

Chiron the Wounded Healer

By acknowledging and working through our wounds, we can gain wisdom, compassion, and the ability to help others heal.

You have a wound and you have a gift and it's found in one placement in your astrological birth chart. And this one placement is the key to serving your kismet clients®...

But it something that is so deeply engrained in you to hurt that most people shy away from understanding its gift.

I am referring to Chiron.

Chiron is an asteroid and it represents your greatest talent and it also represents your greatest wound. When you serve your kismet clients® you are relieving the wound, which offers powerful potential for healing and transformation.

By acknowledging and working through our wounds, we can gain wisdom, compassion, and the ability to help others heal.

This is how we step into our Highest self and be of service -- we begin to embrace that each one of us are holistic and transformational healers.

Holistic healers emphasize that true healing involves addressing not just the physical aspect of the Self, but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of our being.

Chiron's influence supports ourselves AND our kismet clients® in finding alternative and integrative healing modalities.

This is when YOU walk in.




The problem is: this deep-seated wound within our being naturally wants to shy away from owning our medicine because it's wrapped up on our greatest wound.

Double-edge sword, I know.⚔️

But, here's what we're going to do about it!

+ Chiron brings attention to unresolved issues and traumas from the past that may still impact our lives -- often in a major way.

+ It highlights areas where we may be repeating patterns, self-sabotaging, or experiencing chronic pain.

By acknowledging these issues and serving our kismet clients®, we can begin the process of healing and growth.

+ Chiron's presence in a birth chart can indicate areas of life where we may feel fragmented or disconnected.

For example:
My Chiron is in Aries (in the 8th house). If you've been with me for awhile, you've watched me morph and grow throughout the years -- and if you've been really paying attention, you've been watching me work through my ARIES WOUND (and the 8th house).

Aries represents our identity and our big visions and innovations... But when you've got a wound around these things, you may be conflicted by all the BIG IDEAS you have and the many different hats you love to wear.


But once you decode your Wound and allow Chiron to show you HOW talented you are, your MEDICINE wakes up.

You see, Chiron encourages us to integrate and embrace all aspects of ourselves, including the parts that we may have rejected or deemed unworthy.

By working in SERVICE to your kismet clients®, you begin to experience greater self-acceptance and inner harmony.

+ Chiron also represents the archetype of the mentor or teacher.

It reminds us that we have gained copious amounts of wisdom through out individual healing journeys, which is a GIFT we can offer to help guide others on their paths too.

And the BIG one...

+ Chiron's energy acts as a catalyst for spiritual growth and awakening. When you begin to unlock the profound teaching Chiron has in your birth chart, it can ignite incredible shifts in consciousness, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe.

Spiritual awakening begins to take on an entirely NEW meaning.

Isn't it time for you to explore your Chiron and it's guidance towards greater wisdom found in the metaphysical and mystical realms?

As above, so below ~ Chiron isn't "out there" it is INSIDE OF YOU!

I want to help you unlock YOUR alternative medicine, your one-of-a-kind holistic therapy, and unconventional approach to healing YOURSELF, so you can help your kismet clients® do the same!

This is how to HEAL the world... by nourishing our Chiron!

YOU ARE MEDICINE to your kismet clients and it is my intention to help you unlock exactly what that is!


👉🏼 Join me in a 2-part seminar: HEAL YOURSELF & YOUR CLIENTS WITH CHIRON!

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Angel Quintana

ANGEL QUINTANA, High Priestess of the New Aeon & Founder of Sacred Anarchy

Angel is the High Priestess of the New Aeon and the visionary architect behind Sacred Anarchy — a movement dedicated to building the next era of awakened leadership and personal sovereignty. As an initiator of The Great Work, she guides those who are ready to step beyond conditioning, claim their true power, and shape the future. She teaches initiates how to amplify their inner frequency, decode the esoteric solution behind every obstacle, and awaken the archetypal forces within, the servitors who walk beside them, strengthening their mission in this lifetime. A fierce advocate for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the Western Occult Traditions, Angel attributes her success to the mastery of hidden knowledge, sacred law, and the unwavering will to create. Those who enter her world do not simply learn—they are transformed.

The Archaic Occultist

Begin your journey with The Great Work, Enter the Temple of the Abyss.


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Angel Quintana

Angel is a Leadership Mystic and the the Founder of Sacred Anarchy, a society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She support soulworkers with the sacred knowledge of Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teachers others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and elevate the archetypes that live within themselves — who are in service to their assignment in this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom (found within) and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.