What is Black Magick & Is It Really That Spooky?
It is important to approach the topic of black magick with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a recognition that interpretations and beliefs may vary among different individuals and cultures. Engaging in respectful dialogue, seeking accurate information, and maintaining a critical mindset can help overcome misunderstandings and foster a more nuanced understanding of black magick.
Different cultures and belief systems have varying interpretations and definitions of black magick. What may be considered black magick in one culture may be seen as a legitimate spiritual practice in another. Misunderstandings can arise when different cultural perspectives clash or when actions are misinterpreted due to cultural differences.
Sensationalism and Misrepresentation
Popular media, including movies, books, and sensationalized stories, often portray black magick in an exaggerated or distorted manner. These portrayals can perpetuate misconceptions and create a sensationalized and inaccurate image of what black magick truly entails.
Lack of Knowledge and Education
Many people have limited knowledge or understanding of occult practices, spiritual traditions, and esoteric knowledge. This lack of information can lead to misconceptions and assumptions about black magick, fueling fear and misunderstanding.
Negative Association
Black magick is often associated with harmful intentions, manipulation, and malevolence. This negative association can overshadow any positive or benevolent aspects of esoteric practices and lead to a biased understanding of black magic as solely harmful or evil.
Fear and Cultural Taboos
Black magick is sometimes associated with fear, cultural taboos, and superstitions. These fears can lead to an aversion or misunderstanding of anything related to occult practices, which may further contribute to the misinterpretation of black magick.
Personal Beliefs and Prejudices
Individual beliefs, values, and personal experiences can greatly influence one's understanding and perception of black magick. Preconceived notions, biases, and personal fears can contribute to misunderstandings and an inaccurate portrayal of black magick.
“Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.”
-Carl Jung
This is a very controversial subject and one I am going to tackle, because let’s face it — if you don’t understand what black magick, it’s very easy to be manipulated by its egregore.
In general, Magick is a very controversial subject and one most people don’t ever really dive deeper into understanding because it’s surrounded by an egregore of stereotypes and stigmas.
In this article I will break the misnomers around black magick because I’ll be honest… their definition is a little confusing. It’s actually taken me several years and hundreds of books to really wrap my head around these concepts.
So let’s first dive into why it even matters to know what black magick is, before we get to understanding the egregore.
Since I have already thoroughly explained the taboo topics of: Satanism, Luciferianism, and other Babylonian ways inside The Great Rebirth Series, I won’t go into all of that here. You can access 100+ hours on these topics inside The Archaic Occultist.
I also want to mention that anyone practicing ‘Babylonian Arts’ is going to likely disagree with what I’m about to share, but that’s how the cookie crumbles. I see things from a different perspective because I am NOT attached to any type of magickal order or belief system.
My work, at it’s core, is to understand the inner workings of the psyche — so the egregore that surrounds “magick” AND the orders, groups, or overmind that practice magick, are of NO particular interest to me other than to understand why some people choose to attach themselves to these communities in the first place.
Why does anyone join or believe in anything anyway? Well, that is a great question.
People, by nature are seeking information and clarity about themselves. They are seeking to belong. They are seeking to get what they want out of life. And their level of consciousness will guide them to their chosen path. You attract that which you resonate with. Remember that.
I have chosen to understand magick and practice its principles because I am interested in understanding the psyche of man AND the nature of the Universe. I could make this article all about my mission with Sacred Anarchy and why magick is a core pillar in my teachings, but I’ll save that for another time.
What I want you to know about black magick is that they work with the unconscious mind.
The “black” aspect, as it pertains to the psyche or any magickal practice is dealing with the feminine principle — that is what is intended by the terms: black magick, chaos, unconscious, and left-hand path. You could even replace the word “black” with “feminine” or “unconscious” followed by magick: ie. feminine magick or unconscious magick.
The term “evil” could even be interchangeable with “the unconscious mind” or feminine principle, which is exactly how the egregore of magick was created in the first place.
It has been subconsciously programmed into our psyche that the feminine principle is evil. We’ve seen this throughout history. We’ve seen the distortion of the female archetype in the world of entertainment and so on…
Obviously, there is nothing evil or nefarious about the feminine principle, for without the feminine we have no magick. We have no creation. We have no imagination. We have NO change. Yet, when we hear the words black magick, we automatically associate it with “evil.”
See how clever these dark sorcerers are?
They’ve fooled the majority of people into thinking that black magick is demonic (another egregore) and therefore they refuse to look any further into the subject. And they keep denying their feminine energy in the process.
Unconsciousness is the domaine of the feminine.
There is a reason the feminine principle has been intentionally perverted and subconsciously deemed evil because without the feminine we can’t change our lives. We cannot IMPROVE our lives. And that is exactly the objective of the dark sorcerers.
When man is mind controlled and manipulated by the dark sorcerers and their magick (whether black or white), he creates an unhealthy relationship with his feminine energy.
However, even if the feminine energy within man is distorted, he will unconsciously seek out an artificial feminine replacement because while feminine energy can be suppressed, it cannot be avoided.
This is why porn, drugs and alcohol are such popular past times — they are artificial replacements for the feminine energy that is distorted within man.
This is why we must place value on understanding our unconsciousness if we want to change our lives.
We need to bring darkness to light if we want to see changes occur in the physical realm. We need to honor the feminine — the darkness that lives within us all and should never be feared!
The problem is the dark sorcerers (I also refer to them as the ‘lower self enslavement camp’ in the Sacred Anarchy Book) use their understanding of the feminine principle (darkness) to manipulate the mind of man and use force to control him so they can bring their (lower self) desires to fruition.
Dark sorcerers are masterful psychologists! But they are also enslaved to their lower self, having no access to their higher faculties, which is why they use nefarious psychological tactics to force their manifestations into existence. They use (abuse) black magick to achieve their goals.
When you have access to your higher faculties you don’t need to use force or manipulation.
However, black magick isn’t the problem; it is the INTENTIONS of these dark sorcerers who use the darkside of “the tree” to manipulate energy AND bring their primitive objectives (lower self desires) to fruition — that give these terms a bad wrap.
Whenever you use magick as a way to manipulate or cause harm to another, you are abusing magick. Magick is NEVER scary or bad; it is actually abused and MISUSED and that is where we get into the harmful effects of magick.
Black magick means you are working with the darkside (unconscious) of the psyche, which in itself is not evil nor nefarious and therefore, black magick IS NOT “EVIL”.
The practitioner of magick may have nefarious or dark intentions, but “intentions” are NOT what makes something black magick
This is why ‘black magick’ has the misunderstanding it does today. Intention does not make something black.
The Qliphothic Tree, also known as the darkside of the Tree of Life has also gotten a bad wrap because the dark sorcerers love to detour man from understanding his own unconsciousness, which is ultimately how they are able to perpetuate mental slavery.
RELATED TRAINING: The Initiate’s Guide to Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
Just as Bob Marley said, “Free ourselves from mental slavery” — this is the dark sorcerers primary objective: to create mental slavery within man so he is easily controllable and will behave in a certain way which will benefit their objective.
If they can get you to fear yourself, they’ve essentially achieved their goal. They’ve done an excellent job at invoking fear into man’s consciousness so he won’t even look into his own darkness! That’s how good they are at what they do!
So long as they can manipulate the mind of man, they can control man’s behavior. This is all possible through the understanding of Qliphothic Tree, which is itself is also not evil.
However, their mastery level of understanding (and using) how this tree operates within the psyche of man, gives them an upper-hand at achieving their primitive objectives: power and control.
No matter what any spiritual teacher or even Cabalist says, the Qliphothic Tree is NOT evil, quite the contray. It’s actually an intricate system to help you understand your darkness — your unconscious behaviors, fears, and unintegrated parts of yourself. It’s taken me years to really understand how imperative the dark tree is to the evolution of mankind.
As soon as you know how your psyche works, you are no longer controllable. This is the dark sorcerers biggest fear and this is why you should never fear black magick or fearing looking into the Qliphothic Tree. The more you understand your darkness (unconsciousness) and bring things out of the chaotic waters of the feminine and into the light of the order of the masculine, the more expansive your consciousness will be. Your level of consciousness is associated with your vibration. The invocation of Fear is the number one way to lower man’s vibration, which also limits his level of consciousness. The more deeply you dive into the understanding of magick (black or white), you will begin to see the fears around “evil” melt away because “evil” is actually another name for the feminine or the darkness that lives within all man.
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ANGEL QUINTANA, Teacher of the Mysteries & Founder of Sacred Anarchy
Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a movement dedicated to the creation of a New World. She supports individuals embarking on The Great Work to embrace the individuation process so they can help usher in the new age. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the Western Occult Traditions, which she attributes all her success to.
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