Esoteric & Occult Glossary

Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Morphogenetic Field

The morphogenetic field is a concept originating from the field of biology, proposed by Rupert Sheldrake, which suggests that there is a non-physical field that influences the development and form of organisms. It is believed that this field contains the information or blueprint that guides the growth and behavior of living beings.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


A tulpa is a concept originating in Tibetan Buddhism, referring to a thoughtform or a being that is created through intense mental focus and visualization. It is an entity that is brought into existence by the mind of the creator, often taking on a distinct personality, consciousness, and form. Tulpas are considered to be autonomous in nature, capable of independent thought and action, despite being a product of the creator’s mind.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Labyrinth Walking

Labyrinth walking is a meditative practice that involves walking through a labyrinth, a complex, winding path that leads to a central point and back out again. Unlike a maze, which is designed to confuse, a labyrinth has a single, unambiguous path to the center. This practice is often used as a form of spiritual contemplation, self-reflection, and personal transformation.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


The term "esoteric" refers to knowledge, teachings, or practices that are intended for or understood by only a select group of individuals, often those who are initiated into a particular tradition or philosophy. Esoteric knowledge is typically hidden or concealed from the general public and is passed down through specialized channels, often in symbolic or allegorical forms.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Seed of Life

The Seed of Life is a sacred geometric figure consisting of seven overlapping circles arranged in a hexagonal pattern. It is the precursor to the Flower of Life and represents the beginning of creation, symbolizing the seed from which all life emanates. The Seed of Life is often seen as a blueprint for the structure of the universe and a representation of divine creation.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is a sacred geometric figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles that form a flower-like pattern. This symbol is considered one of the most powerful and ancient symbols in sacred geometry, representing the interconnectedness of all life in the universe.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Merkabah, also spelled "Merkaba," is a Hebrew term that translates to "chariot" and refers to the mystical experience of ascension or divine transportation. It is most commonly associated with the mystical tradition of Merkabah mysticism (or Merkavah mysticism), which focuses on the visionary ascent of the soul to the heavenly realms.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes Trismegistus is a legendary figure who is believed to be a synthesis of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. He is considered the author of the Hermetic Corpus, a collection of texts that form the foundation of Hermeticism, an esoteric tradition that combines elements of Greek philosophy, Egyptian mysticism, and early Christianity.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Hermeticism is a spiritual, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based on the teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a legendary figure who is often depicted as a synthesis of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. It encompasses a wide range of ideas related to the nature of the divine, the cosmos, and the human soul, emphasizing the pursuit of hidden knowledge and personal transformation through alchemy, astrology, and theurgy. Hermeticism promotes the belief that there is a deep, underlying unity in the universe, and that by understanding this unity, individuals can align themselves with the divine and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

The Archaic Revival

The Archaic Revival is a concept popularized by author and philosopher Terence McKenna, referring to a cultural movement that seeks to reconnect with ancient, pre-modern ways of thinking, living, and being. It advocates for a return to the values, wisdom, and practices of earlier, often pre-industrial societies, with an emphasis on spirituality, ecological balance, and communal living. The idea is that by revisiting the archaic past, humanity can rediscover lost knowledge and healing practices that are more aligned with the natural world and human consciousness.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Exoteric refers to knowledge, teachings, or practices that are intended for the general public, as opposed to esoteric, which is reserved for those with specialized knowledge or initiation. Exoteric knowledge is outward-facing and accessible, often focusing on practical or surface-level understanding, while esoteric knowledge delves deeper into hidden, mystical, or occult truths that require a more personal or advanced approach to fully comprehend.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Karma is the principle of cause and effect, where a person's actions, whether good or bad, influence their future experiences. It is an esoteric concept that suggests that every action, thought, and intention has consequences, which shape the individual’s fate or spiritual journey. In both Eastern and Western esoteric traditions, karma is seen as a natural law of the universe, governing the balance between action and reaction.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Book of Life

The Book of Life in Tarot is a symbolic concept that represents the totality of an individual’s life journey, experiences, and spiritual path, often interpreted through the lens of the Tarot deck. It is not a physical book but a metaphorical representation of the unfolding of one’s destiny, choices, and personal growth.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Ain Soph Aur

Ain Soph Aur is a term from Qabalistic mysticism that refers to the infinite, boundless light of the divine source. In Hebrew, Ain means "nothing," Soph means "end," and Aur means "light." Together, the phrase can be translated as "the limitless light" or "the light without end." It is the first emanation from the unknowable and infinite divine source, often referred to as Ain or Ein Sof, which is beyond human comprehension.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

U.S. Citizen

In legal terms, a U.S. citizen, as defined in Black's Law Dictionary, is an individual who is a "person" under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Corporation, not a sovereign state. This legal entity, or "straw man," is created through the issuance of a birth certificate, which functions as a commercial instrument within the U.S. Corporation's system.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


Necromancy is a form of magick and divination that involves communication with “the dead” (or shadow), typically for the purpose of gaining knowledge, insight, or power. It is often associated with summoning spirits, consulting the deceased, or invoking their energies to influence the physical world.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana


In legal contexts, a strawman refers to a false or fictitious entity created to represent a "person", often used in discussions about sovereignty, personal identity, and control within societal systems. In sovereignty movements, the strawman is viewed as a legal fiction tied to an individual through documentation like birth certificates, social security numbers, or government-issued identification.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

The Shining Ones

The Shining Ones are a group of luminous, transcendent beings referenced across various mythologies, spiritual traditions, and esoteric teachings. They are often depicted as enlightened guides, divine emissaries, or celestial entities who illuminate the path of spiritual evolution for humanity.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Natural Law

Natural Law is a universal, immutable set of principles that governs the structure and operation of the cosmos. Rooted in spiritual and philosophical traditions, it is understood as the moral code inherent in the fabric of existence, transcending human-made laws. Natural Law is often seen as the foundation for understanding truth, justice, and personal sovereignty.

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Angel Quintana Angel Quintana

Alchemical Wedding

The Alchemical Wedding is a symbolic union of opposites, often representing the merging of masculine and feminine energies, spirit and matter, or conscious and unconscious aspects of the self. In alchemical and esoteric traditions, it is a metaphor for achieving spiritual enlightenment and wholeness through the process of integration and transformation.

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