This is for the weirdos, the exceptional ones, the visionaries and mystics who see through the lies and are ready for their next initiation.
What is Black Magick & Is It Really That Spooky?
Magick, let alone black magick, is a very controversial subject because it’s infested with egregores.
How to Cross the Abyss: Ritual for Next Level Transformation
The sacred art of crossing the abyss is a job for the fearless.
Decoding the Human Psyche: Carl Jung's 4 Ways of Knowing
Carl Jung, a renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, proposed a model of psychological development that includes four phases of knowing.
What is Mysticism?
Studying mysticism offers a profound journey into the depths of human spirituality, providing seekers with a unique opportunity to explore the mysteries of existence and their connection to the divine or transcendent reality.
Why You Should Be Reading Occult & Rare Books
Embark on a deeply individual journey of evolution.
How to Create the Philosopher’s Stone in 7 Steps
The philosopher's stone, often referred to as the "Elixir of Life" or the "Philosopher's Stone of Alchemy," is a legendary and mythical substance that has captured the imagination of philosophers, alchemists, and seekers of wisdom for centuries.
What are the 72 Angels of The Tree of Life
These names are seen as potent tools for meditation, invoking higher states of consciousness.
Caduceus of Hermes and The Path of the Serpent
The Hermes caduceus is an ancient emblem that has been associated with numerous meanings throughout history.
The Meru Rod: The Antenna to the Higher Worlds
The Meru Rod is a conduit for channeling and amplifying cosmic energies, enabling individuals to access higher states of consciousness and establish a link between the earthly and spiritual realms.
How to Use the Tetragrammaton to Strengthen Your Magick
The use of the Tetragrammaton in magick is used as a focal point to strengthen and enhance magickal workings.
The Power of Myth and Its Effect on the Psyche
Myths, legends, movies, and fiction books play a vital role in helping us understand valuable life lessons by providing narratives that resonate deeply with our human experiences.
The Esoteric Psychology of Collectivism & Individualism
The importance of individuality lies in its power to foster diversity, creativity, and personal growth. Embracing and celebrating one's unique qualities, perspectives, and talents not only enriches society but also allows individuals to fully express themselves and contribute in their own authentic way.
Developing Spiritual Eyes: The Process of Spiritual Awakening
A spiritual awakening is a profound shift in consciousness and perception that occurs when an individual becomes deeply aware of their true nature, purpose, and connection to something greater than themselves. It involves a transcendent experience that goes beyond the confines of the ego and material world, leading to a heightened sense of spirituality, inner transformation, and expanded awareness.
The Difference Between The Elixir of Life and The Philosopher’s Stone
To begin our understanding of the elixir of life and the philosopher’s stone, we will look to alchemy and eastern traditions to help explore this fascinating topic. Through a clearer understanding of this esoteric principles, we can begin the process of initiation.
What is a Grimoire?
Interested in developing a deep understanding of yourself and take ownership of your magick?
The Pentagram: An Occult Symbol with Rich Esoteric Meaning
The pentagram has ancient origins and can be traced back thousands of years.
Heal Yourself Like an Occultist
Healing is truly a sacred rite of passage and when you look at it through the lens of an occultist, the doors to a new portal open and healing becomes magick.
The Difference Between Invocation and Evocation
From an occult perspective, magick (spelled with a "k" to distinguish it from stage magic) refers to the practice of using metaphysical and spiritual techniques to bring about intentional changes in consciousness, reality, or one's own being. It is a system of occult knowledge and practices that explore the hidden aspects of reality and seek to influence or work in harmony with these hidden forces.
The Sephirothic Tree: Understanding the Basic Principles from Malkuth to Kether
In numerous mystical and esoteric traditions, the Sephirothic Tree, also called the Tree of Life, is a potent symbol. It is a map of the universe, both visible and invisible, and a guide to spiritual development and comprehension.
The Esoteric Teachings and Ancient Knowledge of Qabalah's Four Worlds
Qabalah is a system of mystical interpretation of The Tarot and the exploration of the hidden meanings and spiritual insights contained within them.